Ghana Team Journal

Day Four

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

What a day! Construction was hot, but I was able to teach others in our group to do the rectangle brackets for the rebar structures. Later in the evening we introduced ourselves to the group. We all had powerful emotions. I loved everyone's purpose for being her. One, woman, named Carolyn from Canada is someone who works with Special Ed students and contributes her time and money to youth in trouble. I expressed my gratitude and cried, saying how wonderful she is. I have a lot of respect for her. Today was a very good day.


Carolyn's response to Travis:
I thought a lot about how profoundly moved I was by Travis' words this evening. We touched each others lives tonight.

What Travis does not realize is that I went to my room after lunch, saddened and feeling lonely and unappreciated, I think because I have not had any contact with my loved ones since I arrived. What you did for me tonight, Travis, could not have happened on a better day. I needed to hear what you said! Everything happens for a reason. Travis, never forget that!

Today was a successful day. I worked construction and got four walls with four layers. It was good and I felt proud of our team. Tonight at dinner we went around the table to share a little about ourselves which was great. We have only been with each other for three days and everyone was so open with each other. Most here were crying – it was amazing. This will be a trip to remember! Ester brought her son, he was so cute. Little Yow. Tomorrow I will teach kindergarten, I am ready!


I am humbled after only a few days of being here. In fact, I was humbled when I arrived at the airport. I have no concept of date or time, but I know right now is the time for all of us to be here. Dinner was delicious, from fresh tilipia, homemade peanut brittle - and the popcorn we have come to know and love after only 2 days. After dinner we all discussed why we are really here. Perhaps the note card exercise should be repeated after the first few days. We think we know why we came until now. Now we know. We're here to serve. We're here to support - we are in fact here to lend a hand. We extend ourselves out to the community, to each other, to the world. And almost immediately, if not instantly a hand reached out to us as well. I am humbled to be here. We know why we have come.

- Kate


Dave said...

Really glad you all made it there safely. It is awesome reading about all your experiences out there. We are thinking about you all!


jose said...

Congratulations to all, Jasmine great work, we are so proud of you. Please take care and have fun. We miss you too. Keep us posted. All our love from Minneapolis. Jose Acuna YouthLink. UPTOP

jose said...

Great Job, Congratulations Jasmine, we miss you too, and you are making us very proud, you are an inspiration, Keep up the good work. All our love from YouthLink MN, UPTOP

Anonymous said...

Travis,Jasmine, and Nancy!

I'm so happy to read your entries and know how everything is going ane what you are all experiencing in Ghana! Blessings and piositive energy to you all! We MISS you!