Ghana Team Journal

Weekend relaxation & new friends

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Written by: Terra

Fuelled with porridge, we set off on our drive to New Akrade. I was struck by the vast economic and cultural differences between Senegal and Ghana. The lush, green landscape and beautifully finished buildings remind me more of Europe. Ghana truly is the model for Africa. I enjoyed our drive having the ability to daydream and enjoy the gorgeous views. I also have decided plantain chips should be sold on the roads in the United States. It would make road trips much more tolerable.

Upon arrival at the guesthouse we were introduced to Ruth and Megan, both of whom strike me as lovely ladies. I look forward to hearing more of their stories and sharing our experiences. The team building meeting was helpful in establishing common goals and objectives here in Ghana. One of which is o enjoy the delicious food prepared for us with love you can taste.

I unfortunately missed the meeting of the village leaders due to an overwhelming desire to stay horizontal, but I heard the people are wonderful. I’m excited to start this adventure! After a delicious dinner and great talks with the ladies, I’m ready to call it a night.