Ghana Team Journal

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Quote of the day: “We shape our self to fit this world and by the world are shaped again” – Dand Whyte

Journal by: Angie

Woke up late to another good breakfast by Bless, it was was nice to sleep in for a little bit. Julia and Katie were invited to their teacher’s church so they left after they ate.

The rest of the group relaxed, napped and regained our strength from the busy week. After the three-hour service the girls returned and told us about their experience of a service all in Twi.

Their teacher had invited them to a dancing/ drumming performance and they extended that to our group. Nancy joined them while Veronica, Maria, Lisa and I went to the Volta Dam Hotel by taxi.

We are happy to see Maria eating at least a bit more and seeming to regain her strength little by little. However Katie now has a horrible sinus cold and our thoughts go to them both.

All in all a nice and relaxing day spent in a variety of ways.