Ghana Team Journal

September 3, 2010

Friday, September 3, 2010

Prepared by Cristina

Quote of the Day: “Blessed are they who have the gift of making friends, for it is one of God’s best gifts. It involves many things, but above all, the power of getting out of one’s self and appreciating. Whatever is noble and loving. Thomas Hughes

Fifth day of labor in the library. Morale is high but it seems like the work is never ending. Since day 2, we were told that the book covering assignment is DONE. But, every day we get MORE boxes to do. We suspect that Samuel inspects our book covering job for Quality Control and remove the covers from those that didn’t pass for us to redo. This has to be the explanation for the additional boxes to be done. It’s Ok because there are those that enjoy wrapping them. The ground around the septic tank needed to be leveled. Kevin, young Tim, and Gerard were at it. The girls took turns with the shoveling after Samuel and young Tim has broken the dirt. Kevin and Gerard took turn wheeling the dirt. The apron duty was also still in progress. Carl, Patty and Katie helped carry the cement to the masons. THE SUN WAS BEAMING ON US. The phrase “for the kids, for the kids, for the kids” was playing over and over in my head for motivation. The electrolyte drinks and power bars also helped. The kids being there as distractions made a tangible reminder of the purpose for the labor. Mickey and Bev faced their challenge for another of teaching 20 or so enthusiastic children learn how to use a computer WITH ONLY 2 laptops to work with. The others that were wrapping books were again told that book wrapping is finally done.

Samuel had a treat for us. It was a hike to the river to venture on the history of Senchi-Ferry. It was sad to hear how the building of the bridge led to the FALL OF THE SENCHI Empire. We saw remnants of the old hotel that used to lodge travelers that would visit the town for business or leisure. We also hiked through a cassava and banana plantation.

Throughout the whole day, we carried a sad burden of knowing that part of our group will be returning for home. We have enjoyed each other’s company so much that we are dreading saying goodbye. Patty gave a speech about how fulfilling their volunteer experience was and how the young ones have inspired them. After group pictures, Patty had a prayer for our continued success with the library and for the health and safety for the remaining volunteers. While seeing the Minnesota group off, Jessica and I expressed how we felt that they portrayed what Gerard wrote as one of our purpose of being volunteers which is “TO LIVE”. These beautiful people raised their families, held their careers and had their share of sorrows but have LIVED FULLY by not confining themselves in a box. THEY GOT OUT AND SAW THE WORLD and learned how other people live their lives. There were tears all around. It was hard saying good bye to them. We pray for their safe journey home.